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A murder most foul

At the first daylight, a shock ran through the Brünn manor, as a servant made a horrifying discovery. Sir Fitzwilliam Brünn was found murdered in his study.

This reporter is told in great confidence that the sight was gruesome beyond description. The Lord's face twisted in pain, blood splatter over papers, the walls themselves, even the ceiling had stains of red upon it.

The Police were quickly called to the scene, and Assistant Commissioner Richard Blackwood took charge, being a close personal friend of Sir Fitzwilliam. Commissioner Blackwood promises that all the resources of the Metropolitan police will be used to identify the murderer and then make sure they suffer the harshest punishment possible. This reporter can attest to no stone being unturned at the manor, with every servant being questioned thoroughly.

We have to ask ourselves, as murder after murder seems to darken the skies of Britain, starting with the infamous Jack the Ripper himself, and now this foul slaying of a generous noble, whose only crime was to care too fiercely for his "gentle" sister, are any of us safe?

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