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About Ad Lucem

"The year is 1900, and Her Majesty Queen Victoria reigns by the mercy of our Lord. A gathering of people, not too many, nor too few. Familiar sort of faces or names, some have trained others, some have fought others, but all seem to have glanced at something beyond this world. They feel deep within them, that the ordinary people whom they walk amidst, are blind. 


Among this gathering are those who see the teachings of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn to hold true. Then there are those who say that another has described the world and its clandestine machinations correctly, but have yet to learn how to reach beyond them. 


Then there are those who have found no guiding star, but in certain acts they have caught glimpses of more. All know that when they see past the mundane and the common morality of the day, they may change reality. 

All have been invited here,one way or another, to the mansion of Fitzwilliam H. Brünn, to the start of a conundrum; one that promises knowledge to those who can unlock its secrets. But great power may come at a high cost."

Ad Lucem is an internationally open LARP campaign set in the year 1900, in Victorian England, and in a world that is eerily similar to our own.

It is in the middle of an occult revival, it is on the brink of change and there is an energy born from the freshly dawned, new century in the air. 


You will play characters that, in a small way, have seen through the illusion that gives “normal” people a sense of security and warmth. With this realization comes power. Most, if not all player characters will be some sort of experts in their own fields, with an avid interest in the unknown. The themes of this campaign revolve around horroroccultism and the awakening.

© 2017 by The Shining Auk Productions

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