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Links and tips for further reading

Occult and religious texts 
  • The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion /These books scandalized the british audience when first published, as it among other things compared the story of Christ with other religions, it was a great influence on both creative and esoteric/magical thinking of the day  (Wiki) (2 bind version book)

  • Brother of the third degree /A fictional story about a love, the illuminati and how to transform Europe (Whole book)

  • What is Voudooism?​, these two late 18th century texts gives insight in "public" views. (New Orleans Supersitions) and (The Last of the Voudoos

  • Left handed vs right handed path, the two opposing(?) approaches to magic (Wiki)

  • A recording of a famous medium at work, spiritualism (Youtube)

  • Victorian Spiritualism (Short text)

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