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On playing games that also create play


The Victorian era is famous, or perhaps infamous for great wins and losses at the card table. Gambling is very much part of the social scene. However, gambling for money rarely works well in a game, especially when there are such great differences between characters wealth. Not to mention that gambling for money would be frowned upon by certain people,  so we found a way around that challenge with "A game de embarrassé"  In which the players award the winner with favours or small embarrassments to be completed, often at the very evening itself. Some of these are even rather scandalous, which makes the game even more exciting.


It is also possible for people that themselves that do not play themselves, to "stake" one of the players. E.g. to bet on them to win, often as a side bet, with somebody else that does not play.

"I pick Mr Green here as my champion, do you dare to risk a "être embarrassé" and bet against him, my lady" (Usually said with an overdone "French" accent")


These favours or "embarrassments" are put into the pot, just like one normally would put money in the pot, and it is up to each player just what they dare to risk. Respect is given to anyone daring to make an especially juicy bet. It is a bit like a Victorian version of Truth or Dare, "To the winner, I will bestow the honour of choosing which gentleman I shall slap with my glove, kiss on the cheek or the lips, or whisper my darkest secret.” etc.


This does not only apply to card games, of course, games like Mahjong also have this history.

It can be a tool to push a character into deep water, for good drama and fun!

The law and gambling 

Legal, however, laws exist to restrict it, for instance, gambling debts are not recognized as enforceable by the law, and not allowing gambling with ready cash. Meaning, you would have to trust your gambling partner to honour a loss. Exceptions are made for some forms of gambling, like on horses.


Games that are played
- Growing in popularity -Basic rules here: 

Faro - Very popular for gambling, a bit dated by now but still very much a played game: Basis rules:

Whist - Perhaps the biggest game of them all, legendary for gambling and social fun: Basic rules:


© 2017 by The Shining Auk Productions

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